What is a Text-Mail Subscriber


Have you ever heard about text-mail subscribers and wondered what they are? It is possible that you have tried calling back a particular unknown number and got this message that the text message subscriber is not available.

Did you know there might be a few scams related to the same thing? Well,  you have nothing to worry about. In this blog, we will be taking you deep into the nitty gritty of text-message subscribers. This will be your one-stop solution to all your questions. So without further ado, let’s get started

What is a text-mail subscriber?

Users who subscribe to text messages only are subscribers. It is important to understand that most of these messages and phone calls are made via the Internet and telephone, regardless of whether you use a regular phone number or a consumer phone number. Regular use is in effect when you reply to this message. The sender receives an email notification. Voice responses are only available when you call a number associated with a text message client.

A text message subscriber is someone who signs up to receive text messages from a company, organisation, or individual. Text message recipients are generally interested in receiving updates, news, promotions, and other information from the sender. Text message subscribers may choose to receive text messages by providing their mobile phone number and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of Service. Text message subscribers can also unsubscribe at any time by replying to every text message they receive with the word “STOP.”

If you try to call back a text message provider, no real person will answer your phone call. As mentioned, they are obtained only through explicit text. You may hear a dead silence on the line or a ringing that indicates that the recipient of the text message is not available. After that, you can usually leave a voicemail reply, which turns into a plain text email. The text message recipient will know that you tried to reach them via voicemail. However, whether you get the answer or not is not in your hands. You can only wait for them to figure out who they are and what their message is.

How do I know that the text message subscriber is a scam?

Here are a few ways one can understand that a text message sender could be a scam:

  1. Extracting personal information: If you suspect that they are asking for specific personal questions, which can range from your complete name, bank details, OTPs, address, etc. It is necessary to steer clear of such text-mail subscribers.
  2. The deal is too sweet. The things offered are a little too overpriced and are luring you into a trap. It is standard practise to use shiny and eye-catching deals to scam people. Usually, 1 out of 100 responds in hopes of winning something big but ends up losing it all. It is absolutely important that one does not fall for such traps and report the authorities regarding suspicious activities.
  3. Hasting you to make decisions: Scammers are trained to use your flight or fight senses against you and use scenarios to extract crucial and vital information to scam you. They also present you with situations that are falsely created to show where an immediate response is required or a consequence might happen. It is important that no authority rushes you into a decision. Everyone is given adequate time to think and consult.
  4. Suspicious Links: Scammers will ask you to sign in or click on a link to activate or get rewards. But it is a trap; the links are designed in such a way that you are likely to download malware onto your device, which might send all your personal information, from photos to information about your bank and email address, etc.
  5. Grammatical errors: Scammers are known to make grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes are common amongst all these messages. It is important to note that if it is a real organisation, then the messages are drafted by professionals.

If you receive information from a mailer containing any of these tags, be careful not to provide personal information or click on any links.


It is important to note that not all text message subscribers are scammers, but one should be aware of malicious practises and steer clear of such scammers. We hope that this blog has been insightful and that all your queries regarding the Text Mail subscribers have been rightfully answered.


Shantanu Sahoo is a senior software engineer with a BTech in software engineering. He has over 10 years of experience in the technology industry and writes mostly about digital marketing, SEO, business, and technology-related topics. Shantanu tries to make complex topics very easy for everyday users. He has a very strong background in both software development and content creation, and his articles provide actionable insights for every tech user. When not writing, Shantanu enjoys spending time with his kids.

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